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Rekor Gaun Pengantin Terpanjang

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Monday, March 26, 2012 | 11:45 PM

Rekor Gaun Pengantin Terpanjang Emma Dumitrescu, seorang model cantik asal Rumania, menaiki balon udara. Terlihat, ekor gaun pengantin yang dikenakannya masih menjuntai di daratan. Bagaimana tidak, panjang ekor gaun tersebut mencapai 1,85 mil atau sekitar 2,9 kilometer.

Tak heran kalau gaun ini mampu memecahkan rekor dunia Guinness, dalam kategori gaun pengantin terpanjang di dunia. Tepatnya, di jalanan Bukares, Rumania, gaun ini dipamerkan.

Untuk membuatnya, dibutuhkan bahan taffeta sepanjang 15.420 kaki dengan detail hiasan berupa lace Chantilly. Jumlah jarum yang digunakan untuk membuat gaun ini mencapai 1.857 buah.

Sebanyak 10 tenaga profesional selama 100 hari, bekerja keras untuk menyelesaikan gaun tersebut. Secara unik, gaun tersebut dipamerkan menggunakan balon udara. Emma diminta menaiki balon agar panjang gaun bisa terlihat jelas.

Termasuk, melakukan fashion show dramatis di jalanan Bukares. Sebelumnya, rekor gaun pengantin terpanjang di dunia dipegang oleh Belanda dengan panjang 1,55 mil atau 2,4 kilometer.
11:45 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 16, 2012 | 5:27 AM

Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia  Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia merupakan promosi Yang dilakukan Oleh Minimarket Lokal Terbesar dan Minimarket Pertama Terbaik Indonesia guna untuk menarik Simpati dan Perhatian lebih dari masyarakat untuk menjadi Member Alfamart dan khususnya pecinta Informasi internet dengan menyelenggarakan Promo Indonesia Kontes SEO Alfamart 2012.

Bagi anda yang suka berbelanja tentunya tidak asing lagi dengan minimarket yang satu ini. Sebagai Minimarket Pertama yang memiliki member terbanyak di Indonesia Alfamart memberikan banyak inovasi untuk memanjakan membernya. Salah satunya adalah dengan konsisten 2 minggu sekali  memberikan Promo khusus untuk member-membernya baik untuk berbelanja di Alfamart atau pun di merchant-merchant yang banyak bekerja sama dengan Alfamart untuk memberikan potongan harga atau harga spesial.

Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia. Promo Indonesia ini diberikan oleh Alfamart sebagai Minimarket pertama yang mempunyai member terbanyak di Indonesia. Ketika mendengar kata "promo" pasti semua orang tertarik, karena pada setiap kegiatan promo pasti akan ada diskon, hadiah atau sesuatu yang menguntungkan lainnya. Dan kabar gembiranya, Alfamart sebagai minimarket besar Indonesia sedang mengadakan penawaran yang menarik, yaitu Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia. Promo Indonesia ini diberikan Alfamart untuk para calon member dan juga member Alfamart.

Minimarket Alfamart yang berdiri sejak tahun 1994 oleh PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk ini yang sekarang sudah memiliki banyak member dan merupakan member terbesar di Minimarket Indonesia. Pertumbuhan  Alfamart di Indonesia sangatlah pesat bak "jamur di musim hujan", terbukti dengan berdirinya cabang-cabang Alfamart yang tidak hanya di kota-kota besar tapi sampai ke pelosok-pelosok kecamatan di seluruh negeri Indonesia.

Alfamart Minimarket Pertama yang memiliki member terbanyak di Indonesia Alfamart Memberikan Motivasi dan Inspirasi serta Inovasi untuk memanjakan membernya. Salah satunya adalah dengan konsisten 2 minggu sekali  memberikan Promo Indonesia khusus untuk Member Alfamart baik untuk berbelanja di Alfamart Minimarket atau pun di merchant-merchant yang banyak bekerja sama dengan Alfamart Minimarket untuk memberikan potongan harga atau harga spesial.

Member Alfamart Adalah sebutan untuk para pelanggan setia Alfamart.Para member Alfamart akan mendapatkan berbagai macam keuntungan dan kejutan special dari Alfamart seperti: HematKu, Kalender Belanja, Specialku dan Hadiahku,serta program ekslusif lainnya. Member Alfamart adalah pelanggan yang memiliki dan bergabung dalam keanggotaan Kartu AKU, A Card Flazz atau Kartu AKU BNI Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

KARTU AKU Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

    Kartu Aku

Adalah kartu member yang pertama kali diluncurkan Alfamart pada tahun 2005. Dengan Kartu AKU, Member akan dapat memperoleh manfaat dan berbagai macam keuntungan serta Promo Indonesia menarik yang tidak dapat diikuti oleh pelanggan lain yang bukan merupakan member Kartu AKU. Kartu AKU berlaku Nasional di Alfamart seluruhIndonesia.

A CARD FINAL Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
    A Card Flazz

Adalah Kartu Member Alfamart yang di luncurkan pada 15 Mei 2010 bekerja sama dengan Flazz BCA, yang selain berfungsi sebagai kartu member juga dapat digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran/transaksi karena A Card Flazz merupakan Kartu Prepaid (kartu non rekening yang dapat menyimpan uang untuk keperluan berbagai transaksi).

A Card Flazz dapat digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran tidak hanya diseluruh outlet Alfamart, Alfamidi ataupun Alfaexpress tetapi juga diseluruh merchant Flazz antara lain restoran, salon, toko buku, parkir, bioskop dan masih banyak lagi. Untuk sementara ini, A Card Flazz berlaku di Jabodetabek,Surabaya

KARTU AKU BNI Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
    Kartu Aku BNI

Merupakan salah satu Kartu Member Alfamart yang di luncurkan pada 1 Januari 2010, merupakan kerjasama antara Alfamart dengan Bank BNI. Kartu AKU BNI merupakan kartu multifungsional, yang selain berfungsi sebagai kartu member, juga berfungsi sebagai alat pembayaran. Pengguna Kartu AKU BNI juga akan mendapatkan berbagai keuntungan dan kejutan spesial dari Alfamart serta tentunya dapat mengikuti program-program eksklusif khusus member di Alfamart. Untuk saat ini, Kartu AKU BNI berlaku di Alfamart Jabodetabek.
8 Keuntungan Member Alfamart

   1. Hematku dan Kalender Belanja
   2. Spesialku dan Hadiahku
   3. Special Big Program for "Member Alfamart"
   4. Redemption For "Member Alfamart"
   5. Member Alfamart" Thematic Promo
   6. Special Treatment for "Member Alfamart" Birthday
   7. Special Event/Activities For "Member Alfamart"
   8. Merchant For "Member Alfamart"


Demikianlah penjelasan singkat tentang  Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia Semoga dapat bermanfaat dan memberikan pengetahuan Lebih kepada masyarakat agar dapat bergabung menjadi Member Alfamart dan pastikan anda mendapakan keuntungan dan manfaat lebih dari Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
5:27 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Permasalahan Asmara Pada Perokok

Permasalahan Asmara Pada Perokok Berhenti merokok ternyata bukan saja bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, tetapi juga untuk menaikkan peluang untuk memperoleh pasangan. Sebuah survei mengungkapkan rokok adalah salah satu penyebab rusaknya sebuah permainan cinta.

Survei dilakukan oleh Departemen Kesehatan Inggris terhadap 1.700 orang. Hasilnya: tiga dari empat orang berusia 18-24 tahun mengatakan tidak akan mencium orang yang baru saja merokok.

Satu dari dua orang mengatakan akan berpikir dua kali sebelum menjalin hubungan serius dengan seorang perokok. Jadi, para peneliti menyarankan agar seseorang berhenti dari kebiasaan buruk tersebut. Laporan serupa juga dikeluarkan dari beberapa situs kencan. Situs mengungkapkan 81 persen anggota situs mengatakan takkan memilih pasangan seorang perokok berat.

Sementara itu, kepada, sebanyak 72 persen responden pria dan 73 persen wanita menginginkan seorang kekasih yang bebas dari rokok.  Adapun situs mengungkapkan lebih dari 67 persen responden mengatakan rokok membuat mereka jauh dari kencan.

"Sangat jelas seorang yang tak merokok sulit hidup dengan perokok. Dalam banyak kasus, masa lalu mereka mempengaruhi keputusan untuk menjalin hubungan dengan seorang perokok," ujar Sarah Beeny, host Channel 4 Property Ladder dan pendiri mysinglefriend. com.

Dengan merokok, kata Beeny, seseorang akan lebih sulit menemukan pasangan hidup. "Jadi, dengan berhenti merokok Anda akan meningkatkan nilai jual dan melindungi hubungan Anda dalam jangka panjang."
2:41 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Bahaya Garam pada Makanan anda

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 | 4:53 AM

Bahaya Garam pada Makanan anda Makanan yang mengandung garam selama ini hanya identik dengan makanan asin. Padahal cukup banyak makanan yang sebenarnya berasa manis atau gurih yang menyimpan sodium cukup tinggi.

Menurut data Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roti ternyata menjadi sumber sodium paling tinggi dalam pola makan orang Amerika. Kadar garam yang sama juga ditemukan dari keripik kentang dan pretzel.

Sebagai perbandingan, satu iris (slice) roti mengandung 100-200 miligram, tergantung tipe dan merek roti, sedangkan satu ons keripik kentang mengandung sekitar 120 mg atau lebih sodium.

Sumber sodium lain yang banyak ditemukan pada pola konsumsi orang Amerika antara lain daging olahan, pizza, daging unggas, burger siap saji, sandwich, keju, dan hidangan pasta.

"Roti sebenarnya tidak lebih asin dari makanan lainnya, tapi dikonsumsi cukup sering. Selain itu roti juga menjadi sumber kalori karena dikonsumsi dalam jumlah banyak," kata Mary Cogsweell, dari CDC.

Sementara itu kandungan natrium cukup tinggi yang sering dikonsumsi dalam makanan kita sehari-hari antara lain mi ayam, sosis, mi bakso, mi instan, sop buntut, bahkan donat pun mengandung sodium cukup tinggi. Saus, acar, dan makanan kaleng juga mengandung garam yang tinggi.

Sodium atau natrium berperan penting dalam menjaga keseimbangan cairan dalam tubuh. Selain itu ia juga berfungsi menghantar impuls saraf yang memengaruhi kontraksi dan relaksasi otot.

Jika terlalu banyak natrium dalam darah, volume darah akan meningkat karena natrium menarik dan mengikat air. Akibatnya jantung harus memompa lebih keras untuk mengalirkan darah yang meningkat itu sehingga tekanan pada arteri meningkat.

Terlalu banyak mengonsumsi sodium diketahui akan meningkatkan risiko stroke, gagal jantung, osteoporosis, kanker usus, dan penyakit ginjal.
4:53 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

dispelling the myths about fat in a healthy diet

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 18, 2011 | 3:27 AM

Dispelling the myths about fat in a healthy diet.

Most active people think they are supposed to avoid fat like the plague. Rumors abound: If you eat fat, you'll get fat. Fat instantly clogs the arteries or causes cancer. Fat slows you down. Fat is the worst thing you can put in your body.

While there may be an element of truth in some of these statements, there is also room for more education. If you obsess about every morsel of fat you eat (or rather, try not to eat), or are one of the many dedicated athletes who has become fat-phobic, keep reading. Your fear of fat may be exaggerated.

Myth: If you eat fat, you'll get fat.

 Many thin people eat fat. Marathoner Bill Rodgers, for one, is known for his love of cheeseburgers, mayonnaise on pizza and other fatty foods. Yet, Bill's body is lean. Thin people who eat fat don't overeat calories.

Forget the "eat fat, get fat" theory and start counting calories, instead. If you eat excess calories, you will deposit body fat.

And, yes, if you overindulge, you can easily eat excess calories from fatty foods because of their nice taste, texture and aroma. Fat helps make food taste great.

If you avoid fatty foods, you will lose body fat only if you create a calorie deficit. If you cut out fat but eat excess calories, don't be surprised if the scale goes up.

The truth is fat adds satiety--the nice feeling of being satisfied after a meal. Satiety may actually reduce your desire to munch on yet another fat-free pretzel or cookie after a bulky but unfilling fat-free meal. Believe it or not, many of my clients have lost body fat after re-introducing an appropriate amount of dietary fat back into their fat-free regimen. A little peanut butter on a bagel can keep you satisfied for a long time.

Myth: Fat is a poison that leads to heart disease and cancer.

Without question, a diet high in saturated animal fats, fast food grease and obscene desserts may shorten your longevity. Fataholics who dismiss advice to lower their fat intake are fooling themselves. But a moderate fat diet differs from a no-fat diet. Most health professionals define a diet with 20 to 30% of total calories from fat as being health-protective. If you have low blood cholesterol or high levels of HDL cholesterol, a family history of longevity, no family history of heart disease and are lean, fit and healthy, you can include a reasonable amount of fat in your diet. Overfat, underfit folks with heart disease are the ones who need to severely restrict fat intake.

How much fat is reasonable? About 45 to 65 grams a day for active women, and 50 to 70 grams a day for active men. This comes to about 20 to 30% of calories from fat, and balances the recommended sports diet with 60 to 65% of calories from carbohydrates (to fuel muscles) and 10 to 15% of calories from protein (to build and repair muscles). This appropriate amount of fat provides fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin E, allows for adequate protein-rich foods (such as extra-lean hamburger, low-fat cheese and peanut butter), and allows for easier participation in life (like eating in a restaurant, or enjoying a piece of birthday cake guilt-free).

Myth: All fats are bad.

Although all fats are equally caloric, some fats provide more health benefits than others. Olive oil; for example, is thought to be health protective. It is the foundation of the acclaimed heart-healthy Mediterranean diet. For centuries, folks in Italy and Greece have enjoyed, in good health, a 40% fat diet. Their diet is rich in monounsaturated fat from olive oil, not saturated fat from greasy meats and lard. Olive oil, in combination with their high intake of beans (such as chickpeas in salads and cannellini beans in minestrone soup), red wine, fresh seafood, fruits and vegetables may combine with their physically active lifestyle to enhance longevity.

If you are tired of counting fat grams, being nagged by a gnawing hunger or feeling like the oddball at social events because of your limited diet, you may want to reconsider your anti-fat stand and give yourself permission to add a little more fat to your diet. The first step is to start with a fat deemed to be healthful, such as olive oil. A natural with pasta or salad, olive oil offers a nice flavor, as well as other benefits. You'll feel satisfied, benefit from the higher intake of vitamin E (an antioxidant found in oils which has a health-protective effect and may help reduce the muscle damage associated with exercise), and be able to enjoy more variety and flavor in your diet.

A Mediterranean diet, including pasta, beans, fresh seafood, vegetables and olive oil, may be the winning plan for health and performance. Here's a sample high-carte (65%), adequate-protein (15%), and low-fat (20%) sports recipe for success: 4 oz. dry pasta, cooked; 2 tsp. olive oil; 2 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese; and seasonings like garlic, oregano, basil and salt. Add a salad with 1 tsp. olive oil, vinegar and seasonings and 1/2 cup chickpeas.
3:27 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Prevent Obesity, Instill Healthy Living Early!

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Sunday, March 13, 2011 | 1:05 AM

Parents should be alert to the threat of obesity (obesity) on their children. If the child's food consumption patterns are not controlled, not only disturb the appearance, in adulthood it is probable that these children will suffer from coronary heart disease.

Research shows that about 30-40 percent of obese children will become obese adults. Therefore, parents need to instill healthy habits in children as early as possible.

The recommended healthy habits such as eating together, sleeping enough, and watch tv less than two hours each day. "Children aged four years being taught healthy habits by their parents 40 percent lower risk for obesity," said Sarah Anderson of Ohio State University in Columbus, USA, in the journal Pediatrics.

Anderson added that until now scientists have not found a way to cure obesity in children, because it is wiser to prevent it.

Control your child's diet if done through the habit of eating together. Activities eat together at the dinner table is not just to fill a hungry stomach, but also an arena for parents to teach about nutrition and discipline. Another benefit is to increase the bond between parent and child.

Another way of tackling obesity is physical exercise. Children who lack physical activity would tend to become obese when eating excess. Activities to watch tv for hours can be reduced and replaced with fsik activity.
1:05 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

This Child Obesity Guide

Hint of obesity or overweight children during his life can be seen before the child was two years old. One sign is the rapid increase in body weight.

A study involving more than 100 children and adolescents who are obese show, half of the children were overweight at age 24 months and 90 percent obese at the age of five years. Even a quarter are overweight before the age of five months.

In developed countries, obesity has become a serious concern of health practitioners because of health problems that may result from excess body weight. In Britain, about 27 percent of children suffer from obesity.

Although rapid weight gain in childhood have not understood the cause, giving solid foods earlier, poor diet, and lack of physical activity believed to contribute.

The researchers reported in the journal Clinical Pediatrics states, child eating patterns established before the child was two years old. Therefore, changing the eating habits of children at a greater age is considered more difficult.

John Harrington, chairman of researchers from Eastern Virginia Medical School, said the results should be "early warning" for doctors and parents to instill healthy eating as early as possible.
1:04 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Fat people suck sperm quality

The impact of obesity on health continues to be studied by experts. A recent study revealed that obese men have poor sperm quality compared with men whose weight is balanced.

For decades experts examine the impact of obesity on fertility of a man. Some literature mentions, sperm quality is lower fat man, among others, visible from low sperm counts and sperm that can swim with nimble.

The latest study conducted by researchers from Argentina reinforce previous studies. The researchers evaluated 794 semen samples men who with his partner was doing the program pregnancy.

The researchers found that 155 men classified as obese have few sperm that can swim with the agile and able to migrate compared with men whose weight is normal.

Men also tend to have fat levels of neutral alpha glucosidase (NAG), an enzyme that is released by the epididymal fluid, which indicates whether a mature sperm cell and can swim. NAG levels in seminal fluid could be a bad omen epididymal function.

"This is the first study that reveals the impact of obesity on the function of the epididymis. Even so, it does not mean a man will be infertile because of gaining weight," says Dr. Ana Carolina Martini from the National University of Cordoba, Argentina.

Although the effect on the small number of active sperm swimming, in research conducted by Dr. Ana was not found in the impact of obesity on semen quality, including sperm count, testosterone levels, and the number of sperm with normal shape.

However, Dr Ana reveals, there is a chance for fat men to improve sperm quality by reducing the weight of his body. Research shows that weight reduction can restore reproductive hormone balance.
1:02 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

David Gurnani: Lifestyle Goodbye Bad!

Many valuable lessons to be learned from the experience of David Gurnani, winner of reality show The Biggest Loser Asia 2010 from Indonesia. One is the extraordinary determination possessed David to leave his old life patterns that bad.

For anyone, reducing the weight to 83 kg in 5 months or 53 percent of the total weight and 45 percent body fat was not an easy matter. Imagine, David previously had irregular eating patterns.

He used to eat seven times a day. Once eating, he could mengasup 1000 to 12,000 calories per day. In fact, normal calorie requirement per day approximately 2,000 kalorai. His love of eating more calories also increasingly exacerbated by nature a lazy exercise.

In addition, David also come from large families and obesity. Her father was until now also obese. In terms of employment, his chances of suffering from obesity are also very open because he was often out of town with clients and finally treated to a meal.

As a result of poor pattern of his life, David's body into fat. As he walked, he was often tired, tiredness, pungung sick, and feeling unwell. ''I am also so often so many people's attention due to obesity. In fact, to find the right chair to sit on an airplane just difficult,''said the man who now weighs 84 kg it after the show The Biggest Loser news conference at the Hotel Akmani Asia, Jakarta, Friday (19/3/2010).

Currently, David has changed. He was able to follow the usual pattern of eating that he got while undergoing quarantine. In the morning, the menu is eaten cereal, oatmeal, and fruit. At noon, he ate brown rice or whole wheat bread, chicken / meat, and vegetables. The night he only eat soup, fish, and salads.

In addition to the discipline in terms of diet, David also has never missed the sport. In fact, a day without exercise, he claimed his body ached.

Dress size shrink drastically
Many positive things he got from the drastic weight loss. Pants size shrunk from 48 to 34, and clothing from 4L to size L. Now, he can not even eat much.

''If you eat a lot of definite nausea, unpleasant taste, mules, and dizzy,''said the man who received a cash prize of 100,000 U.S. dollars and the car was worth 7000 U.S. dollars.

In fact, while family and friends saw her new appearance, they are immediately shocked. However, they are also pleased that 1998 was the last he had a normal weight, which is about 70 kg. After that in 5-6 years, David's weight increases so 140 kg and 4 years later became 159 kg.
1:01 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Research: Married Make Easy elastic body

Those who are  married  are more likely to be overweight. In fact,  the risk of developing obesity may reach up to two times compared with those who are single.

Recent research by Greek scientists have found that married couples who are overweight are vulnerable due to changes in their lifestyle significantly. The man who married three times greater recorded chances are obese, while women who marry twice the risk of experiencing weight problems.

The conclusion was the result of a study of more than 17,000 couples aged 20 to 70. The fact research reveals, the married couple lazy to exercise, less frequent sex, and have poor nutrition intake. Married couples who also claimed to "comfortable" with the principle of life that flows.

Married couples also spent more time to eat together, sit together in front of the television, and prefer to order fast food. Meanwhile, sports activities, they have not too often.

Experts from Salonica and Ioannina Universities, who presented his findings at the Panhellenic Health Konferesi in Athens, concluded that "obesity" or the accumulation of fat in the abdominal circumference is the worst health problems among couples who have married.
1:00 AM | 0 komentar | Read More
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